Tuesday 8 November 2011

Issues That We Faced Whilst Filming

We faced many issues whilst filming.

Firstly when we first shot footage, our camera battery died. This meant that we could not continue filming after we had initially planned to film more in one go. To get around this, we planned another filming session to enable us to shoot the missing footage.

Secondly, we didn't have enough members to film the shots we wanted to shoot. We used the tripod to our advantage to shoot when we thought we needed another person. By shooting the clip when we was getting ready, we got the camera into position and are planning to cut the unnecessary clips out that we don't need.

Lastly when shooting there was a downpour of rain. As we needed to shoot using the tripod, we constructed a cover from a t-shirt to completely protect the camera from any rain, , meaning the camera stayed in good working order, but also no rain interrupted the lens of the camera

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