Tuesday 1 November 2011

Class Feedback

We received various feedback from the class regarding our rough cut video. We have summarized this info into a block of positive and negative so we have a clear indication of what to keep, delete and improve from our video.
This is the feedback from the class we received.

We have broken this feedback down into the following;


- Good editing, switches and transitions between different clips
- Good idea of using mics instead of drugs to show imagination
- Costumes represent the lyrics appropriately, good use of mise en scene
- Two main characters is a good idea instead of the conventional one main character.
- Props link to lyrics


- Shot cuts need to be quicker
-Variety of shots aren't used enough EG close up's or extreme close up's
- Include some lip syncing shots
- Improve story narrative
-Increase the speed of shots and how they are cut and edited

We will take this feedback and use it to improve our video during editing

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