Friday, 30 September 2011

Inspiration from Jonathon Glazer

Some of the ideas our group has put together for our music video have been inspired from Jonathon Glazer. For example we have decided to make majority of our music video in black and white to add to the atmosphere and mood of the video, and to also allow us to switch back to full colour at the end of the video to allow a more chaotic effect.  A lot of Jonathon Glazer's film are in black and white and he uses effects such as slow motion, rewind and colour effects to further cement the storyline in an unconventional and non-linear way. We have also decided to incorporate these ideas into our video to add to the mood of the realization when the character discovers himself in a very bad situation that he can't get out of.
Watching and analysing Jonathon Glazer's work, we found that his music videos didn't usually represent the lyrics or have much reference to the singer/band itself, but instead reinforced the actual mood and atmosphere of the beat and the lyrics of the song through a short movie, tweaked with special effects which grip the viewer. Our group is doing the same with a short movie which will reflect on the lyrics and background of the song. We chose to challenge conventions of not including any of the group lip syncing, to give a a short film effect of johnathon glazer

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